


virtual school

My son’s virtual online school learning setup!

Looks like most of us in the United States have started school and a majority of us are still at home.  While this isn’t what “school” normally looks like, we are trying to make the best of it in our house.  My son, Caden, had a smaller desk in his room and I wanted him to have more space to write and set up his computer and such.  So we went to find a desk online.  Being since EVERYONE is at home and so many desks are sold out along with chairs, it was hard to find a reasonably priced option.

This was his before setup:

He is also wanting to start gaming on his computer instead of his Xbox, doesn’t all pre-teen/teen want to do this lately.  Who else’s kid is OBSESSED with Fortnite?  And then they sit there and watch other people stream games on YouTube too.  You can see the LED lights he talked us into buying around the top of his room too.  He’s trying to create that whole vibe in there for sure.  But we went ahead and ordered him a new gaming chair which you can find the link to purchase here and then I ordered him an L shaped desk.  The link to this desk is here.  We had to do some re-arranging of some things in his room but right now it is working.  I know that I crave space and a clean desk when I’m working, my brain doesn’t work well with clutter.

This is his setup now:









I might find a large mousepad to cover the top of the one side to save on scraping the surface.  Hopefully this will last him all of high school and he gets great use out of it.  Even if we aren’t doing virutal school in the future, he will still have a great space to do homework.

I hope that whatever situation your school district/area chose is working well for you.  There will be humps in the road but realize that we are all doing this together, even though it’s must different for some, we still have to support each other and be nice to one another.